09.00 am : Opening from Novus Indonesia and Lautan Luas
- Rika Riantika (Country Manager, Novus Indonesia) & Fleming Tjandra(Head of Distribution Channel, Animal feed, PT. Lautan Luas)
09.15 am : Ways to Cope with Increasing Import Ingredient Prices
- Prof. Dr. Ir. Budi Tangendjaja, M.S., M.App.Sc. (Technical Consultant Nutrition and Feed Technology)
10.00 am : Maintain Profitability through Feed Formulation
- Priskila Hutapea, S.Pt. M.Si (Technical Services, Novus Indonesia)
10.30 am : Local Ingredient Sources as a Solution
- Prof. Dr. Ir. Nahrowi, M.Sc (Feed Specialist, IPB University)
11.15 am : Q&A Discussions
11.45 am : Grand Prize Winner Announcement